Princess Nausicaä

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

Foto da maravilhosa

Nausicaä (ナウシカ Naushika, is the princess of the Valley of the Wind. She is the eleventh child of King Jhil, and the only one to live to maturity. She is rarely seen without her Mehve or her companion, Teto the fox-squirrel. Some believe her to be "The Blue Clad One" from Dorok legends.

"Our lives are like the wind... or like sounds.
We come into being, resonate with each other...
Then fade away“

Early years Nausicaä moved to the Valley of the Wind with her family when she was very young. Her mother had died around that time as well. Nausicaa by ohmu Nausicaä and an Ohmu She has a close relationship with her father King Jhil and tries to help him as his health declines due to the Valley's proximity to the Sea of Corruption. Eventually, Nausicaä starts training to fly her Mehve, which she becomes very good at. She also spends alot of time in the Sea of Corruption and experiments with its plants to find out why Jhil's health is suffering. As part of this, she secretely grows forest plants in uncorrupted soil, discovering that it is not deadly. Wikia-Visualization-Main Nausicaä on her compact jet-powered glider Arrival of the Torumekians Edit On one of her expeditions into the Rotwood, Nausicaä discoveres the shell of an Ohmu. These are very valuble as building material. After retrieving the eye-shell, she feels the anger of the forest creatures. When she investigates, she finds Lord Yupa being chased by several forest creatures, including the Ohmu that had shed its shell. Nausicaä leads Yupa to the valley, where he reports on the situation in the world abroad. Nausicaä goes on patrol with the Valley Gunship, newly refitted with the Ohmu eye-piece, but once again feels the forest's anger. This time it is a brig from Pejite. The brig crash-lands, killing everyone except for princess Rastel. Rastel gives Nausicaä a stone before she dies though Nausicaä is not aware of the stone's significance. She warns Nausicaä that Torumekia invaded Pejitei, even though they are formally allied and that the Torumekians want the stone. Nausicaä Shortly after Nausicaä and the Valley's inhabitants have time to ponder the meaning of Rastel's arrival, Kushana and her Torumekian soldiers arrive. Kushana asks for the stone, but Nausicaä wants her to leave the valley. Kushana eventually relents. Nausicaä is forced to burn part of their fields, as the Torumekians contaminated it by bringing miasma. Departure for War Edit Soon, the Torumekians went to war against the Dorok principalities. Kushana called for the States of the Periphery to follow the ancient treaties and assemble at an aerial rendevouz point. Jhil is confined to his bed from the poisoning, so he talks to Nausicaä and decide she should go in his stead. This worries Lord Yupa, but even Yupa realizes this is the only option. Nausicaä leaves with Mito and the Valley Gunship and they travel to the rendevouz point on the edge of the Sea of Corruption. On the way they meet people from other periphery states. At the rendevouz point, Kushana takes control and starts heading across the Sea of Corruption. They are soon attacked by Asbel of Pejite, however, who destroys several ships and seperates the Valley gunship from the brig. Nausicaä wants to rescue the other people from her valley and follows them into the Sea of Corruption. There they land in an Ohmu nest, but she manages to calm and communicate with them. She has the barge reconnected, but wants to head out to rescue Asbel, who has enraged the insects. She takes her Mehve and finds him in deep cavities under the forest. Asbel discoveres her identity and takes the control stone, which Nausicaä had been carrying. Nausicaä wakes up, discovers the petrified forest and guesses that the Sea of Corruption exists to clense the lands of human pollution. Asbel and Nausicaä escape, only to be captured by Doroks of the Mani tribe. Battle of the Acid Lakes Edit Nausicaä meets the Holy One, leader of the Mani Tribe, and Ketcha, who speaks the common tongue. She realizes that Kushana has been betrayed and begs to be able to negotiate a peaceful solution. The Holy One disagrees and Nausicaä tries to escape. Asbel decides to stay behind to enable Nausicaä to travel faster. Nausicaä joins the Valley Gunship and alerts them of the impending destruction through the herd of Ohmu. The gunship goes to warn Kushana's army, while Nausicaä decides to take on the Dorok flying jar that is baiting the Ohmu herd with a wounded Ohmu. Nausicaä confronts the Dorok soldiers and forces them to drop the Ohmu larvae on an island in the acid lake. She communicates with the Ohmu and tries to ease its pain. Meanwhile, the Ohmu herd crushes Kushana's army and several groups of Mani Tribe warriors and only Kushana's ship manages to escape. The Holy One is appalled at this massacre. Nausicaä begs Kushana to take the Ohmu larvae to the herd and Kushana relents, since Nausicaä knows the location of the control stone. Nausicaä communicates with the Ohmu herd and they depart for the "Southern Forest", which they believe is in need of them. The Holy One is reminded of a pre-Holy Empire prophecy by the scene, believing Nausicaä to be a savior that restores balance between humanity and the nature. The Valley Gunship decides to return to the Valley of the Wind, but Nausicaä decides to continue south with Kushana as she sees the Ohmu herd heading south as a sign of bad things to come. The Dorok Principalities Edit Kushana's Corvette reaches Dorok, which is in a state of war. They discover a village being burned by Torumekian troops. Landing, they discover the entire population dead of miasma inhalation except for two babies. Nausicaä rescues them (over Kurotowa's objections). The town well had been occupied by Hamushi, attracted by miasma. Although the insect takes Nausicaä into its mouth, the Ohmu blood that stains her clothes protects her from being eaten. Travelling further from the Sea of Corruption they reach the city of Sapata, a Dorok town, occupied by the Torumekian third army, but besieged by Dorok infantry and artillery. The third army is loyal to Kushana, but is being poorly led by her older brother. Kushana breaks the siege, to fly into to city to take command. Inside, Nausicaä discovers the Dorok townspeople are being held captive, to be sold as slaves. She asks Kushana for their release. Kushana agrees only on the condition that Nausicaä fights alongside her. Meanwhile Miralupa the brother of the Dorok Emperor has joined the besieging troops but must bath to repair his skin. A skilful warrior monk named Charuka tends to him. Kushana plans to break out from the city, destroy the Dorok artillery and buy time for an escape to be made from the city. Nausicaä rides with her as promised, and displays her usefulness in war by using siren shells to panic the Dorok War beasts used as cavellry. Nausicaä's horseclaw, Kai, is mortally wounded, by troops lead by Charuka. Both Charuka and Miralupa believe Nausicaä to be the "blue-clad one" of prophesy. Having secured the release of the Dorok prisoners, Nausicaä leaves Sapata and heads deeper into Dorok territory, coming to a temple by an oasis. A small boy appears. The boy, Chikuku leads Nausicaä to a tomb in which the bodies of many monks are sitting as if in meditation. One monk is still alive and communicates telepathically with Nausicaä. He tells her of the prophesy of the blue-clad one, and of the secrets stored in the crypts of Shuwa. He foretells the destructions and purification of the world. Nausicaä refuses to give up, believing that life is worth saving. A Hebikera flies overhead, and Nausicaä realises that the oasis will soon be overcome by miasma. Returning to the tomb she finds the monk dead. She leaves on Mehve with Chikuku. Airborne, she discovers a Dorok ship being overcome by fungus. The fungus is different from the forest trees. In fact it has been bred by Doroks to use as a weapon. But spores became unstable, and are consuming the ship which was carrying them. This ship also holds Miralupa and Charuka. Nausicaä lands on the upper deck, and once again does battle with the disembodied spirit of Miralupa. The battle is ended inconclusively by the attack of insects, and Miralupa is able to escape. Nausicaä joins Charuka battling the mutant mould. However the ship is lost and Nausicaä, Chikuku and Charuka flee on Mehve. The suriving mould reaches the ground and starts to spread. Charuka debates with himself on whether to kill Nausicaä, but she is protected by Chikuku. When a Dorok Flying Jar happens to pass, Charuka takes Nausicaä and Chikuku up with him to a Dorok flying fortress, that also is carrying fungal spores. Knowing them fungus not to be stable, Nausicaa drops the reactivating fungal mass out the window. Charuka is now convinced that Miralupa's plan to use forest fungus as a weapon is fundamentally insecure, and decides to support Nausicaä's plan and stay to defend the people.
Foto Priscilla Roiz
Autora: Priscilla Roiz Garcia
Front End | Data scientist
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